A story about humanity in its abstract state / الأنسانية في حالتها المجردة

Man is an abstract entity by his creation by nature, and since his birth he was created within the natural system abstracted from the concepts of values ​​and morals that we established ourselves as a system to control the human instinct and from it to build a “good” social system. all of this in our an effort to achieve this concept in the most beautiful way, we have established a set of systems that distinguish us as a human society in which the “civilized” person must increase his cultural, social and economic production. Consequently, we created the concept of religions, and from them we established the concepts of good and evil, justice and injustice, what is permissible and what is forbidden, from which political systems were organized, and from which we were given legitimacy to control and demand the other, and we believed that with this momentum of laws we could seize our basic instincts.. which we cannot control

Our awareness alone without our conciseness is the result of what our actions will lead to.. It is the basis of what we have created in terms of legislation and laws

Because of our awareness and our will to build a good and happy society, we put in place laws and legislation that guilt and exonerate without awareness of the reasons or taking them as if others were the culprit and we without that, laws that impose and restrict, we have built our complex system

On our way to building a happy society, we have created limits to individuality, we have built institutions and we have forgotten that our primary instincts are the foundation and the engine, and thus we have built a non-objective society and from it we were born with confusion and complications, and between them the individual’s self, his distinction and his features are lost, so it is not possible to build laws that fight natural instincts

The intent is good, but our actions are not subjective. We have lost this child with his dream and his passion. We have been working without doing, achieving without reaching. We have lost the artist, the poet and the musician. That philosopher who searches for the truth in us no longer confronts intellectual controversies, and this explorer in us no longer confronts those mountains and these valleys.

 We have forgotten that our instincts will prevail over the good of others, and these instincts are what will guide our decisions.. It is not evil, it is the need to survive.. In the end, this system has eliminated the uniqueness and distinction of the individual.. We work for the benefit of the system and forget ourselves.. We killed the child, the painter, the researcher, and the poet.. We have become Miserable because of the system.. The system is not doing its job.. Everyone is dissatisfied. Fear, anger and rebellion have become the solution, which is represented by the arts.

We had to realize that nature originally did not believe in morals, and we are in this kingdom as well. But thanks to the awareness that we had with the evolutionary march that kneaded the Homo sapiens for us, we wanted to belong to a better kingdom than this one that we call primitive or the stage of adhering to nature, so we established our human and social system and honed it more with the law and the instructions of religions and philosophies of coexistence, love and politics, since the ancestors built the settlements And they built cities and witnessed the ages of enlightenment, modernity, and all the distances, we realized that we can depend on each other as human beings that are superior to any other beings we know, despite our inability to give up instincts because they are rooted in every being.

In the times when man was living his human childhood in primitive societies marked by “barbarism”, there were days when there was no law or governing systems, but rather the laws of nature and innate life. There was “nothing that could be unjust, the ideas of right and wrong, justice and injustice have no place here where there is no law, and where there is no law there is no injustice. The end justifies the means. This was before human life systems changed relatively on a large scale, including human rights and freedoms, even if the expression was not correct.

we established the concept of private property and the economic system, and thus transformed man into barbarism and marginalization of others, as he was unleashed under the guise of laws that legislate for him as a being whose instinctive data include a significant amount of “right” aggressiveness to be led by his instincts, but not in the form that we see in the rest of the animals. who do not enjoy freedom of will and reason

This does not mean that his instincts are things from evil, but rather from nature and the necessities of survival that necessitate fighting, but that system that we have established and built has begun to make man want everything for him even if it is not for him, the thing that made man in a war against all, and the one is in a war Against the group. The survival instinct appears to be an evil instinct in its essence, while it is merely a demand for self-preservation at any cost.

Thus, the person had only to establish the values when he feared for his life from the other, and he did that to preserve his interests; So he created this evil that he must move away from as much as possible in order to result from that good, so that he lives by that within his social contract in which he gives up to others some of his rights and freedom, or rather his evils, so that the other lives and he lives as well.

We will discover later that all this confusion requires a structure of alliances between stakeholders among each other, and it has ended in restricting the freedom and uniqueness of the individual

الإنسان كيان مجرّد بخلقه, بطبيعته ومنذ ولادته، خلُق ضمن النظام الطبيعي المجرد من مفاهيم القيم والأخلاق، والتي أنشأناها بأنفسنا كمنظومة للسيطرة على غريزة الإنسان، ومنها لبناء نظام اجتماعي “جيد”. فأنشأنا مفهوما سيسمى لاحقا بالحضارة كمحاولة منا بكل ما بوسعنا لتخفيف ومحاربة طاقتنا الممثَلةً بالأنا الأعلى. وسعيا منا لتحقيق هذا المفهوم بأجمل حلة, أقمنا مجموعة أنظمة تميزنا كمجتمع بشري يتعين بها على الإنسان “المتحضر” من خلالها الزيادة من إنتاجه الثقافي, الأجتماعي و الاقتصادي, وبهذا أقمنا الفلسفات المختلفة، ومنها التقاليد الخُلقية وما مسموح به اجتماعيا, وما هو محرم, وبالتالي أوجدنا مفهوم الأديان, ومنها أسسنا مفاهيم الخير والشر، العدل والظلم، المسموح والمحرم ومنهم نظمت النظم السياسية، ومنها أعطيت الشرعية للسيطرة والمطالبة بالآخر، واعتقدنا أنه بهذا الزخم من الشرائع يمكننا الاستيلاء على غرائزنا الأساسية، الأمر الذي لا يمكننا من السيطرة عليه

أدراكنا وحده دون وعينا هو نتيجة ما ستؤول اليه أفعالنا.. هو أساس ما اوجدناه من تشاريع وقوانين 

في سعينا لبناء مجتمع صالح وسعيد, وضعنا قوانين وشرائع تذنب وتبرئ، دون الوعي للاسباب او الأخذ بها، وكأن الغير وحده هو المذنب ونحن دون ذلك. تشاريع تفرض وتقيد، لقد بنينا منظومتنا المعقدة خلال طريقنا لبناء المجتمع السعيد, فأوجدنا حدود للتفرد، قتلنا الرسام والشاعر والمستكشف. بنينا مؤسسات وقد نسينا ان غرائزنا الأولية هي هي الأساس والمحرك وبهذا سنكون قد بنينا مجتمع غير موضوعي، ومنه ولدنا بلبلة وتعقيدات، وبينهما ضاعت ذات الفرد وتميزه. ميزاته فلا يمكن أن تبني قوانين تحارب الغرائز الطبيعية

القصد جيد والفعل غير موضوعي. لقد أضعنا هذا الطفل بحلمة بشغفه، لقد بتنا نعمل لا نفعل، ننجز لا نحقق، لقد أضعنا الرسام والشاعر والموسيقي. لم يعد ذلك الفيلسوف الباحث عن الحقيقه بنا يجابه الجدليات الفكرية ولم يعد هذا المستكشف فينا يجابه تلك الجبال وهذه الاودية

 لقد نسينا انه سوف تسود غرائزنا على خير الآخر وهذه الغرائز هي التي ستوجه قراراتنا .. ليس شرًا إنها الحاجة للبقاء .. وفي النهاية هذا النظام قد قضى على التفرد والتميز.. نعمل لمصلحة النظام وننسى أنفسنا .. قتلنا الطفل والرسام والباحث والشاعر .. أصبحنا بائسين بسبب النظام .. النظام لا يقوم بعمله .. الكل في عدم رضا أصبح الخوف والغضب والتمرد هو الحل، وهو المتمثل بالفنون 

كان علينا أن ندرك أن الطبيعة في الأصل لا تؤمن بالأخلاق ونحن من ضمن هذه المملكة أيضًا. لكن وبفضل الوعي الذي حظينا به مع المسيرة التطوريّة التي عجنت لنا الإنسان العاقل، أردنا الانتماء بذلك إلى مملكةٍ أحسن من هذه التي ندعوها بالبدائيّة أو مرحلة الالتصاق بالطبيعة، فأسّسنا منظومتنا الإنسانيّة والاجتماعيّة وشحذناها أكثر بالقانون وتعليمات الأديان وفلسفات التعايش والحبِّ والسياسة، منذ أن بنى الأسلاف المستوطنات وشيّدو المدن وشهدوا عصور التنوير والحداثة وكلَّ المابعديّات، أدركنا أنّه بالإمكان أن نعتمد على بعضنا  بصفتنا بشرًا أسمى من أيّ  كائناتٍ أخرى نعرفها، رغم عدم مقدرتنا على التخلّي عن الغرائز لارتباطها الجذريّ بكل كائن. 

في الأوقات التي كان الإنسان فيها يعيش طفولته البشريّة في المجتمعات البدائيّة المطبوعة “بالهمجيّة” أيّامٌ لم يكن فيها قانونٌ ولا نظمٌ مسيِّرة، بل قوانين الطبيعة والحياة الفطرية. لم يكن هناك “شيءٌ يمكن أن يكون ظالمًا، إنَّ أفكار الصواب والخطأ، والعدل والظلم لا مكان لها هنا حيث لا وجود للقانون، وحيث لا قانون لا ظلم. لقد كانت الغاية تبرر الوسيلة. هذا قبل أن تتغيّر نظم الحياة الإنسانيّة بشكلٍ نسبيٍّ على نطاقٍ واسعٍ شاملةً حقوق الإنسان وحريّاته وان ‘لم يصح التعبير 

قد أنشاء مفهوم الملكيّة الخاصه والنظام الاقتصاديّ  قد حوّل بذلك الإنسان إلى الهمجيّة وتهميش غيره، فقد أطلق العنان تحت كنف قوانين تشرع له ككائنٌ تنطوي معطياته الغريزيّة على قدرٍ لا يستهان به من العدوانيّة “الحق” لينقاد وراء غرائزه  لكن ليس بذلك الشكل الذي نراه عند بقيّة الحيوانات التي لا تتمتّع بحريّة الإرادة والعقل،. 

هذا لا يعني أنّ غرائزه أشياءٌ من الشرِّ، بل من الطبيعة وضروريات البقاء التي تستوجب القتال، لكن تلك المنظومة التي انشئناها وبنيناها باتت تضع الإنسان بأن يريد كل شيء له حتى لو لم يكن له, الشيء الذي جعل الإنسان في حربٍ  ضدّ الكلّ ، والواحد في حربٍ ضدّ الجماعة .فغريزة البقاء تبدو غريزةً شرّيرةً في جوهرها بينما هي مجرّد مطلبٍ للمحافظة على النفس بأيّ ثمن.

وبهذا ما كان على الإنسان إلا أن أرسى القيم حين خاف على حياته من الآخر، وفعل ذلك للحفاظ على مصالحه؛ فخلق هذا الشرّ الذي يجب أن يبتعد عنه قدر الإمكان لينتج عن ذلك الخير، حتى يعيش بذلك ضمن عقده الاجتماعيّ الذي يتنازل فيه للغير عن بعض حقوقه وحريّته، أو بالأحرى شروره، حتى يعيش الآخر ويعيش هو كذلك،

سنكتشف لاحقا ان كل هذه البلبلة تتطلب بنية من التحالفات بين أصحاب المصالح بين بعضهم وقد انتهت بتقييد حرية الفرد وتفرده

يجب أن لا ننسى أن الإنسان هو من يضفي أولاً وأخيرًا مجدًا على الأشياء، إنّه خالق القيم


Mixed technique 2017 – 2023

The triumph of truth in the struggle of completeness



From the beginning we human beings are born free supplied with all we need, reaching what we really desire, having the opportunity to choose what we intend to be.. but our unjustified doubt and fear had let us injured ourselves, our holy temple of pure awareness and choice of ability, our family of others, human beings and humanity in its sharp aware, our pointless ambitions and non mean less greed had let us hurt the pure of innocent intent leaving ourselves naked nor nude.. Not as the day we born


doubt will generate faith

APOSTLE no. 13

The conquest of paradise involves a continuous journey of searching, asking questions, and wondering about the mysteries of existence.

the research for meaning within life, the intent seeking for the purpose.. we can’t reach.. simply loosing childhood


mixed technique 2018

if you ask the right question, eventually you will hear the right answer


At its core, the observer refers to the individual or entity that perceives, witnesses, or experiences a particular phenomenon or event. the observer is often linked to concepts of consciousness and self-awareness, exploring questions about how our perceptions shape reality. the observer effect refers to changes that occur in individuals or situations when they are aware of being observed, suggesting that awareness itself can alter behavior or outcomes. The concept of the observer underscores the intricate relationship between perception, reality, and the nature of existence.


In the evocative artwork, stark figures rendered in deep black symbolize the harrowing loss of identity experienced by many in our society. Stripped of clothing, legs, and hands, these figures poignantly convey our collective struggle, representing the painful reality of our diminished capacity to pursue our dreams. The striking use of red serves as a powerful reminder of both social injustice and the inner anguish that accompanies it, underscoring the deep-seated inequities prevalent in our world. Meanwhile, the vibrant hue of yellow is strategically employed to shed light on issues surrounding legislation, borders, and greed, emphasizing the complex web of challenges that obstruct progress and perpetuate societal divisions. Through this profound imagery, the artist skillfully captures the multifaceted dimensions of our shared human experience, encouraging viewers to confront these pressing issues and work towards a more just and equitable future.


mixed technique 2016


The innocence of that child has ensnared us, leading us to snuff out the very essence of meaning and truth in our thoughts, extinguishing their inherent ability to grasp abstraction and their initial purity. In this process, we have silenced the voices of painters, musicians, and poets alike.

2016 – 2022






Photography 2017 – 2022


Digital 2017

“The triumph of truth over legislation stands as a beacon of hope in the moral landscape of society. In a world often governed by complex laws and regulations, where the lines between right and wrong can blur, the victory of truth represents a fundamental triumph of justice and integrity. It signifies the power of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct prevailing over legal complexities and bureaucratic entanglements. This triumph is not just a celebration of individual integrity but also a testament to the collective strength of a society that values truth above all else. It emphasizes that genuine, unvarnished truth has the capacity to dismantle even the most intricate webs of legislation, revealing the innate sense of fairness that resides within humanity. In this triumph, we find inspiration and assurance that the pursuit of truth, no matter the challenges, is a noble endeavor that can ultimately reshape laws, policies, and societies for the better.”

“The triumph of truth over legislation

Beyond Conception


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