
Books illustrations

“Are you looking to add a distinctive artistic touch to your books to stand out among other books? With my extensive experience in drawing pictures and artistic designs, I can transform the words of books into artistic paintings that beautifully and beautifully reflect the content of the book. Contact me to discuss more details and see my previous works. Thank you for your trust and cooperation!” “

As an artist, my illustrations breathe life into stories, captivating young minds and sparking their imagination. My unique style and attention to detail enhance the narrative, making it more engaging and memorable for young readers. I am passionate about creating artwork that not only complements the text but also adds depth and emotion to the story. I believe that my drawings can bring stories to life in a way that resonates with both children and adults alike. I am confident that my productions of children’s books will be a valuable addition to any writer or publishing house, enriching their publications and delighting young readers around the world.

Some of Children Books Illustrations and Publications

No Potato, No Tomato – life in the time of Jesus

2014, Birmingham, UK

by Sarit Gani \ illustrations by Elias Akleh

Kursi’s Secret – life in the time of Jesus


by Sarit Gani \ illustrations by Elias Akleh

Rebecca’s pages, Bethlehem  – life in the time of Jesus


by Sarit Gani \ illustrations by Elias Akleh

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